
Monthly Archives: May 2010

on saturday afternoon one of my rare domestic moods hit me. well, let me rephrase that. it was one of the rare domestic moods that i actually followed through on.

i walked into the heb (that’s a texas grocery store, for my east coasters) and low and behold, the intoxicating aroma of a towering pyramid of “fresh!” “organic!” “locally grown!” peaches pulled me in.

eleven (excessive?) peaches later, i was home and looking for recipe inspiration. basically and historically, what inspires me is the most simple recipe. the reasoning behind this is twofold:
one) less opportunity to set the kitchen on fire (again)
two) fewer ingredients allows the natural tastes of the fruit through more

i always get antsy waiting for recipes to finish. sorry, c.

i think, for a first attempt, my tart came out pretty well. whether the white wine and rosemary asiago i ate while constructing this baby hurt or helped the process is yet to be determined.

s ate it with some natural vanilla ice cream on the side. is he a good sport or was it genuinely delicious? a girl will never know.

here’s the recipe i used, though i can’t say i measured everything out exactly. i think approximation adds a juicy, exciting element of surprise into baking. there may have been more sugar in mine. maybe.

my grandma still uses vintage airline silverware, so seeing this post from six orange carrots was nice. it reminds me of the sleek style of the 60s and my own childhood spent devouring fried okra and collard greens.

also, j brought this little number to my attention: another arrow ring.

[also ez got some more blog world love. too bad the cute baby is going through his terrible twos (or the equivalent in cat years?)]

if you walked into american apparel and spotted a herd of technicolor zebras, what would you do? i, for one, would certainly bring said zebras home.

they would become quick friends, galloping across the living room wall

and stand, adorably, in imitation of prehistoric french cave paintings.

at least, mine did.

i also picked up this floral scarf as part of the deadstock scarf sale that is happening at aa. so affordable and so pretty.

i wore this one to the honky tonk about a month ago.

a man (cowboy variety) walked up to me and said, “are you a hippie?”

ezra is still figuring out if scarves are friends or enemies.

meet ezra, a very welcome saturday afternoon surprise:

he’s been getting comfortable with his new house.
exploring the tv room:

meeting the plants:

napping on the side table (look at those big feet!):

helping with work:

i’m so excited to have him here and watch him grow up.